
The Graduate Program in Letters and Linguistics (PPLIN) is organized as a research center of excellence, aimed at training qualified personnel to carry out research and teach in the areas of Linguistics and Literature.


  • Encourage and promote regional, national, and international theoretical-methodological cooperationamong researchers, teachers, and students, focusing on exchanging and socializing knowledge in the areas of Literature and Linguistics, to develop teaching and research activities.

  • Promote systematic research and in-depth epistemological reflection in the field of Linguistic and Literary Studies.

  • Foster an exceptional setting for intellectual advancement aimed at the development of critical analysis within Linguistic and Literary Studies, and to train teachers and researchers capable of demonstrating autonomous intellectual capabilities.

  • Train qualified professionals to teach and carry out research activities in the fields of literary and linguistic studies, offering opportunities for academic training.

  • Meet the growing demand for graduate studies, especially in the context of the internalization of knowledge, which focus on new trends and positions in the interdisciplinary areas of Linguistics and Literature.

  • Encourage integration with the undergraduate program and explore ways to share the cutting-edge research developed within the Program’s scope with society, while remaining receptive to the needs and traditions of the surrounding community.

  • Enhance the collection of critical and fictional research on linguistics and literature in The Rio Metropolitan Area, serving as a bridge to Brazilian and universal literary tradition.

  • Encourage actions that articulate scientific knowledge (academic knowledge) with training activities at different levels.


Rua Francisco Portela, 1470, Patronato
CEP: 24.435-005, São Gonçalo, RJ

(21) 2728-7969
