As a recent Graduate Program, evaluated by CAPES in the last four years with grade 4 (national quality standard), the PPLIN has been concerned about and sought to engage in internationalization actions since its foundation. To this end, among other procedures and actions, as one of the stages of its self-evaluation, it established a committee to discuss and propose specific actions to expand the Program’s already existing internationalization. It is important to highlight that Internationalization is no longer restricted to formal events, as any action that promotes direct interaction with a foreign environment is already defined as such.
In view of this expansion, there is an urgent need to cultivate a policy of internationalization with students from the moment they start school. It is therefore a question of building a more professional attitude rather than an episodic stance, so that the program does not only focus on occasional circumstances, pressured by the deadlines of calls for public notices and agreements, but gradually prepares itself.
It is worth noting that the PPLIN is currently working on presenting various internationalization indicators, according to our list currently under construction. We have already presented some of the indicators listed, such as works with an international contribution, and we even have the goal of taking students abroad, because it is important for students to be in other scientific environments. We want to consolidate the link between internationalization and the training of human resources, making visible the results of research, teaching, and extension at UERJ’s School of Teacher Training.

A colega Eden Viana Martin estará conosco na próxima terça-feira. Estivemos na Universidade Lyon 2 para o Colóquio Linguagem, Discurso e Poder e teremos grande prazer em ouvi-la na Uerj. A Pós-graduação em Letras e Linguística – PPLIN – e o Mestrado Profissional em Letras Da FFP UERJ agradecem.