Partnerships and agreements
Training and connections between students from UERJ and the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute
Coordinator at UERJ : Maria Cristina Cardoso Ribas
Coordinator at UGA: Frans Weiser
UERJ/UGA International Cooperation Agreement:
As an identification of the object to be carried out, the Agreement aims to develop joint research between research professors from Brazil and the USA, full members of the agreed universities, in order to promote a theoretical-critical dialog around contemporary literary-cultural production, with an emphasis on Adaptations of literary texts for other media, under the sieve of Intermedialities. The proposal extends to the training of professors of Letters and related areas. The resulting productions are of a theoretical, methodological, critical, and pedagogical nature, authored and/or organized by researchers from the partner institutions, andinclude joint editing of dossiers in specialized academic journals; Mini courses; Lectures; Seminars. The aforementioned agreement will be coordinated in Brazil by UERJ/FFP research professor Maria Cristina Cardoso Ribas and in the USA by a UGA management group represented by Dr. Noel Fallows; the term will run from 2019 to 2023, and may be renewed if the parties are interested.
Products of the agreement
- Lecture: The Unknown Machado de Assis: Correspondence and the Making of The Brazilian Academy of Letters (delivered in person byMaria CristinaCardoso Ribas at the University of Georgia, Athens, Dec. 2019)
- Cultural Event for undergraduate Students: Brazilian Culture (in person, Dec.2019)
- Course on Graduate level: Lecture and co-teaching on Nelson Pereira dos Santos film How tasty was my French, Re-reading Anthropophagy (in person, Dec.2019)
- Course on Undergratuate level: Adaptation Studies: Re-rereading Machado de Assis’s novels and media transposition (in person, Dec.2019)
- Lecture: Prof. Dr. Frans Weiser, Adaptations Studies (undergraduate and graduate courses, Letters) (in person at FFP/UERJ (2019))
- Based on the Brasiliana Iconográfica exhibition,Maria Cristina Cardoso Ribas wrote the article “Poética das Conexões” (Poetics of Connections), published on the Itaú Cultural website ( and interviewed the Brazilianist Richard Gordon, then director of Lacsi (Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute), about his books Cinema, Slavery and Brazilian Nationalism and Cannibalizing the Colony: cinematic adaptations of Colonial Literature in Mexico and Brazil.
- Remote roundtable at the V PPLIN Seminar, with Frans Weiser and Richard Gordon entitled: Os estudos brasileiros das Letras nas academias norte-americanas em tempos de Covid (The Brazilian Studies of Letters in North American Academies in Covid Times) (10/30/2020).
- Book organization in progress – scheduled for 2023 to be published in the USA.
- Participation in the e-book of the PPLIN Presente Collection – issue organized by Maria Cristina Cardoso Ribas, Thaís Flores Nogueira Diniz (UFMG) and Alex Martoni (UFJF) – Proap Capes/Faperj grant. The issue is currently being finalized to be sent to the publisher.
Member of the NuPELLI Project (2022) Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em Leitura, Literatura e Intermidialidades (Research and Extension Center on Reading, Literature and Intermedialities).
Description: The Cooperation Agreement between PPLIN and UDT LABSEM aims to stimulate networking to promote the development of teaching, research, and extension activities. The aim is to improve the areas of Language and Linguistic Studies and Literary and Literature Studies. The following actions are included: (i) continuous training of researchers, teachers, and students; (ii) qualification of researchers, teachers, and students in teaching, research, and extension activities, (iii) deepening of reflections on Language and Linguistic Studies and Literary and Literature Studies.
Status: In progress; Nature: Other.
Students involved: master’s students: (24).
Members: Marcos Luiz Wiedemer / Eloisa Porto Corrêa / Paulo César Silva de Oliveira / Isabel Cristina Rangel Moraes Bezerra / Darcília Marindir Pinto Simões / Flavio García Queiroz de Melo.
Description: The Letrajovem Extension Project has been developed in partnership between the UERJ Rectory and the Office of the President of the TJERJ since 2014 and aims to offer two-hour Reading and Text Production workshops per week. About 60 teenagers, young people and adults per semester attend the workshops and are participants from the following programs run by the Sustainability and Social Inclusion Department of the Rio de Janeiro State Court of Justice: Justiça Pelos Jovens (Justice for Young People) (young people aged 16 to 24 who have committed an offense); Young Messengers (Jovens Mensageiros) (young people aged 18 to 24 from low-income families and/or at social risk); Pais Trabalhando (Working Parents) (fathers and mothers from families at social risk); Começar de Novo (Starting Over) (former prisoners). In addition to developing the participants’ language skills, the Letrajovem workshops collaborate, within a set of actions, towards their social inclusion, the best indicators of which are the very low rate of repeat offenses by JPJ (12%) and CN (5%) graduates and the success in the in-service evaluation of the other two groups. With regard to the training of Letters students, the reflective practice developed, which includes theoretical research, didactic transposition, and pedagogical action, develops their teaching professionalism from the perspective of critical literacy and social justice.