
Extension project coordinated by Prof. Maria Cristina Cardoso Ribas

Faced with the new demands for developing competences and skills proposed by the BNCC and interactivity via remote and hybrid model in the post-pandemic, textualizations are intertwined in different ways, juxtaposing genres and media and demanding urgent transformations, with emphasis on new reading experiences focused on various media, supports, and materialities. The growing migration of narratives and the expansion of forms of narrativity and poetic production in recent decades, mobilized by the emergence of new technical means of recording, processing, and transmitting words, sounds, and images, therefore demand a different way of reading, which implies other forms of perception and contact with texts. Such processes contribute to the emergence of intermedial experiences in contemporary literary production; among them, the use of hyperlinks in digital files, verbivocovisual experimentation on the screen, the intersections of poetry, voice, choreographic voiceover and the transcultural condition of literary adaptations for cinema and comic books. The interference of this set in the processes of appropriation, re-reading, and re-writing should also be emphasized. Concerned with the external public in this digital avalanche that benefits and overwhelms people without asking about their economic conditions, techniques or individual choice, the project has a two-fold reach: it contributes both to the development of skills and abilities for integrated reading in different media and languages, and to the understanding of Literature as a literary experience not only under the domain of the intellect, but as a requirement for an intellectual sensitivity (Gumbrecht, 2010), attentive to the various materialities and connections that make up the arts and media. The project will also have the support of German researcher Irina Rajewsky for the literary approach of Intermediality, which impacts the ways of reading and weaving the word-sound-image network in the connected narratives.




Maria Cristina Cardoso Ribas
Pedro Sasse (Orgs.)
139 p.

​As Henry Jenkins (2006) observes, today we live in a culture of convergence: information jumps from media to media at the speed of light, being shared, adapted, commented on and reconfigured by the fluid agents of the communication process in the world of networks. Bestsellers, films, series and games are multiplying, being transposed into the most varied media and adapted for the most diverse audiences, thus bringing the critical challenge of dealing with this production and circulation. As post-modernity breaks down the boundaries between the so-called proposal art and mass culture, apocalyptic critical stances – to use Umberto Eco’s metaphor in Apocalyptic and Integrated (1965) – are giving way to approaches that take the products of the culture industry as more complex objects than they appear to be, weaving within themselves a network of cultural and political meanings that have a lot to say about our society. With this renewed approach in mind, the Popular Fiction Intermedia Study Group, part of the Literature, Reading and Intermediality Research Center (NUPELLI), shares in this book some of the reflections that have emerged from the research of undergraduate and graduate students in this field, putting literature, TV, and cinema into dialog, both in foreign and national production.

ISBN 978-65-980384-0-3


Rua Francisco Portela, 1470, Patronato
CEP: 24.435-005, São Gonçalo, RJ

(21) 2728-7969