Poéticas da diversidade (Poetics of Diversity) – a Publishing Imprint

The publishing imprint Poéticas da diversidade – UERJ was officially created in 2021 by the leaders of the Poetics of Diversity Research Group, with the aim of giving visibility to the scientific production resulting from research carried out within the scope of Diversity Studies not only at UERJ, but also in dialog with groups and research centers from other higher education institutions in the country.

Coordination: Shirley de Souza Gomes Carreira and Paulo César Silva de Oliveira

Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-03-07 à(s) 07.30.46_505c94df
WhatsApp Image 2024-05-30 at 10.26.45
WhatsApp Image 2024-09-12 at 22.02.01
WhatsApp Image 2025-01-03 at 09.39.12

Coleção Novas Vozes



Rua Francisco Portela, 1470, Patronato
CEP: 24.435-005, São Gonçalo, RJ

(21) 2728-7969
